JANSSEN DE-Stress 柔敏舒緩安瓶 (25x2ml)庫存單位: JS1701HK$760.00價格DE-STRESS soothes sensitive skin and improves its moisture retention capacity by strengthening the upper layers of skin. 萃取天然草本精華,專門針對敏感肌膚而研制,增加肌膚水合能力,鎮靜、舒緩肌膚數量新增至購物車MAIN INGREDIENTSAlgae and lupine extracts pro vitamin b5, calenula
JANSSEN DE-Stress 柔敏舒緩安瓶 (25x2ml)庫存單位: JS1701HK$760.00價格DE-STRESS soothes sensitive skin and improves its moisture retention capacity by strengthening the upper layers of skin. 萃取天然草本精華,專門針對敏感肌膚而研制,增加肌膚水合能力,鎮靜、舒緩肌膚數量新增至購物車